Palestine has been slowly chipped away over the last 70 years. The recent action perpetrated by the Prime Minister of Israel “Nut and Yahoo” ably supported by “Genocide Joe” is only a continuation of a long list of abuses that the Palestinians have had to endure over the past decades.
If you don’t know the history of Israel and Palestine, you should read ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé’ a Jewish historian who was chased out of Israel after writing the book and teaches at the University of Exeter and was recently questioned by American authorities on landing in the US.
If you are too lazy to read the book, this cartoon from 2004 does all the heavy lifting.
Source: Twitter
I wrote a post called Condom Diplomacy last year where I argued that American affinity to most non-white countries is down to the possibility of using them in the region without having to deal with the blowback
They did the same thing in 2001 in their righteous war against terror after 9/11. They used Pakistan as a launching ground and let them deal with the refugees from Afghanistan.
Effectively Pakistan has served as a high-quality condom to screw around in the region.
In April 2022, there was a draft for a ceasefire between Ukraine and US, on the table, negotiated by Israel. Boris Johnson on behalf of the “West” went to Kyiv and told Zelensky not to accept it. Now that a confrontation had started, Ukraine was a great condom to have intercourse with Russia.
Every time it has looked like there would be a settlement reached, the US is just too eager to send across some more defence equipment. They don’t have money to spend on their own students or healthcare but for this, there is always money to be found.
They say, “Wait, wait; I am going to convince the Germans and Britains to also provide some equipment.”
And like that, with complete and total indifference to the plight of the Ukrainian people, this war has been kept going for more than a year.
Now, the Ukrainians are being forced to produce a report card and Zelensky is left telling them, “This is not a Hollywood movie.”
This is what condom diplomacy looks like. You are a friend till such time that I can use you with no concern about the consequences to you.
I had a feeling that similarly, America’s support of Israel was meant as a condom against Iran.
Iran and Iraq have had a Shia-Sunni antagonism since their creation. Americans went into the region looking for oil and with their half-baked understanding decided to back Iran with weapons and once the Shah fell they decided to back Iraq with weapons. Both found out and both hate America. Over the last couple of decades, they have turned Iraq into a non-entity and a breeding ground for ISIS. The birthplace of civilisation - Iran, has been harder to break.
Recently as I was reading ‘The Rediscovery of America by Ned Blackwood’, I began to understand the reason America has such a great affinity to Israel.
You must all be aware of the map of Palestine that shows the effects of settlement colonialism.
Source: Research Gate
The West Bank is pockmarked because Israeli settlers keep moving in and taking land as they please. In March 2024, while they were tirelessly murdering children in the hunt for Hamas on the one side, they took about 2000 Acres out of the West Bank.
France strongly condemns the announcement by the Israeli authorities that they have seized nearly 2,000 acres of land in the Occupied West Bank. This is Israel’s largest land seizure in the Palestinian Territories since the Oslo accords.
We also condemn the ongoing settler violence against Palestinian populations in the West Bank.
Source: Government of France
Not a single Western news outlet reported this and hence the only source from which the news can be sourced is the diplomatic communiqué put out by the government of France.
So first…
How America Became America
America is the OG of this manner of colonialism.
Source: TimeMaps
This was the map of America in 1648. Farming cultures is a euphemism for Native Americans. Let us just call them the Palestinians of North America. They lived there, it was their land.
The tiny bit that the settlers occupied on the East Coast had more land than the entire British Isles.
The way the American story is told;
England was passing tax laws willy -nilly; a group of very very very very righteous men said enough! In 1776, they sat around a table in Pennsylvania and signed a piece of paper and the country was created in mint condition as it is today.
The truth is that a set of
White landowners were being restricted from expanding west because Britain did not want colonial wars
Also, they did not want to pay tax
Most of them were Slave owners. The one that didn’t, has a Broadway musical about him.
Many of them sexually abused the slaves
They broke the law because they favoured expansionism
Engaged in treason
Fomented armed insurrection
In short, a group of Donald Trumps created a country.
Was it going to be enough? Need I even ask?
Source: TimeMaps
By the time the constitution went into effect in 1789, they had started moving the natives out of the region known as Georgia and Florida today. The Mississippi River formed a physical barrier.
France which had, for the most part, financed the American secession from Britain was in turmoil. Cakes were not there to be had and Mary Antionette found her head rolling around at the Place de la Concorde.
There was a decade of uncertainty and as the 1800s rolled around, Napoleon came into power. There is an atrocious movie about him on Apple TV.
He was more focused on Europe and wanted to raise money for war. He sold Louisiana.
I always used to wonder, why was the ‘Louisiana Purchase’ spoken of in such mythical terms. It’s a poor state that is going to soon become unlivable thanks to the conveyor belt of hurricanes that lash it. Then I saw this map!
Source: Burning Compass
That purchase gave them a third of the continent.
This was the only piece of land in the American Empire that was legitimately purchased from an illegitimate occupier.
Source: TimeMaps
Then came the reign of a President who quite possibly competes for the position of being one of the greatest genocidal criminals to have walked the earth - Andrew Jackson.
Not only did he dispossess the natives of their lands in the south and sent them marching to Utah; 90% of them died on the way due to the arduous journey. As if that was not sufficient, he sent out “Hunting Parties” in Georgia and Florida to find and kill any who would have chosen to stay behind. You can read all about it in the book ‘Unworthy Republic by Claudio Saunt’.
Having chased them west of the Mississippi did not end their misery.
After the Civil War, American states and the federal government started entering into agreements with the natives to cease hostility. No sooner had the ink dried, they would start encroaching upon their lands until another war erupted and another agreement was signed which the Americans never meant to uphold.
Not like these agreements were generous! The Americans would offer 3 million acres of land to the natives in exchange for occupying 90 million acres.
How America became America is not too dissimilar from how Israel became Israel.
After the wars with the Spaniards in 1871, America looked like what we are familiar with today.
Source: TimeMaps
The gold rush had already damaged their lands and caused severe dispossession. Their lands were slowly eroded from their hands by every subsequent American president including Abraham Lincoln.
Tribes were given small native nations that no longer had the freedom of their own law. They were all meant to adhere to federal law.
Source: Wikipedia
Then came the Ethnocide.
The American authorities would routinely abduct native children and send them to residential schools to “civilise” them. The servants of god would routinely use these children for sexual abuse. They were made to wash their mouth with salt water if they spoke their native languages and forced to forget their culture.
Canadians were equally bad, they just had a better PR department.
It was not until the 1910s that they were done and finished with the Natives.
We do not think in these terms - but when Edison was working on inventing the light bulb, on the other end of the continent natives were being massacred and cornered into open-air prisons much like the Gazan people are today.
In 1935 a group of lawyers were sent across from Germany by Hitler to study American law and understand the salient features in it which made this wide dispossession possible.
For America, looking at Israel would feel like looking into the mirror and seeing Junior.
It is little wonder that such a strong tug of the heart is felt for them!
quod erat demonstrandum