Vision and its role in achieving success
I travel a lot and I drive very often. I always try to reach the destination as fast as possible.
I use to think that the speed at which you drive is related to the width of the road. The wider road affords you a lot of room to make errors and therefore allowing you to drive faster.
As I drove on the narrow road to Hyderabad, I realise that speed has nothing to do with the width of the road, but is the function of how far you can see. The further you can see with certainty, the faster your able to proceed.

When you think of businesses, the same principle translates into an extremely clear vision behind which you are ready to put or commit all of your resources. If the vision for the business is extremely clear than, you have the ability to throw all your weight behind achieving the same. Not only that, you also have the added ability to push forward against all detractors, of which you may find many.
Apple did not come up with an idea of a tablet, but they were the first company who had a clear vision and the belief to commit to the vision. There were many other competitors who came up with the same form factor, but did not have the vision or the belief to pursue it. In fact the success of the iPad is just due to that belief, you can see the difference in the results achieved by Apple and a competitor like Microsoft, HP, Lenovo, et al.
Clarity of vision is by far the best gift that you can give to your business.